What do we do?

Get free detailed consultation upon any service and we’ll check your trademark.

01.Patent and registry

  • Trademark registry in Russia
  • Trademark registry abroad
  • Trademark registry in Russia
  • Industrial design registry
  • Invention and utility models patenting
  • Software registry
  • Trade secret mode

02.Support and protection

  • Protection during trademark disputes
  • Development of instrument for franchise
  • Actors, musicians and bloggers’ projects support
  • Patent prolongation and transfer of rights
  • Expert opinion

Our principles

Most entrepreneurs in Russia know about intellectual property less than necessary and have no specialists to consult with. That’s why we are to share our experience in mass media in straightforward language with true to life examples.
We start working only when confident that the operation would succeed. If there’re mixed prospects, we are to warn the trustee before conclusion of the treaty.
The lawyers are aimed to achieve the result, not the process. We deal with our trustees’ business challenges with jurisprudence means. Formalistic approach is inappropriate.
We are the independent law firm. We don’t use mediators, franchisee, regional offices and other helpers. All of them would increase the price and influence on the service quality. This is inappropriate in jurisprudence.
Our service cost is based upon the result. We believe that it’s inappropriate to declare a certain sum and then ask for additional payment.
Most entrepreneurs in Russia know about intellectual property less than necessary and have no specialists to consult with. That’s why we are to share our experience in mass media in straightforward language with true to life examples.
Bashuk Chichkanov


Get detailed free advice on any of the services.

Kursk, ul. Boitsov 9 Divisii, 58A

Get detailed free advice on any of the services.